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The Beratan Lake - Danau Beratan

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Beratan Lake is a lake located in the area of ​​Bedugul, Candikuning Village, District Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali.   The Bratan Lake is located in Bedugul region, the distance is approximately 48 km from Denpasar. The Bratan Lake became a prima donna in this tour region, the nature scenery is very beautiful, cool and clean the air so that became the special attraction for the visitors.

The Bratan Lake was gotten a temple, its name is Ulun Danu Temple. The building stick out to the lake so as to be seen as soaked in water. In this place, tourists could also carry out various activities in this lake, for example fishing, swimming, diving or to investigate the footpath in the region around the lake or to climb the mountain.

On the holiday day, as in the week end or the holiday season, this tour region many really was visited by tourists.

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